Learn more about the frequently asked questions regarding Columbia Bluffs and the surrounding area.

Where is Columbia Bluffs located?

Columbia Bluffs is located in Grant County, Washington State. It’s about a 2-hour drive from Seattle and Spokane. We are two miles south of the Gorge Amphitheatre, and six miles north of I-90. The nearest town is George, Washington.

What is there to do in the area?
What is special about Columbia Bluffs?
What is the climate like at Columbia Bluffs?
What are the benefits of living in Columbia Bluffs?
What are the advantages of buying into a Common Interest Community like Columbia Bluffs, over a single lot?
How is Columbia Bluffs preparing to protect homes from wildfires or other natural disasters?
How will buyers know that infrastructure is being planned and budgeted for?
Is there a Homeowner’s Association (HOA)?
Will there be monthly HOA fees?
How can buyers start enjoying their purchase quickly while planning and designing their dream home?
Are there any restrictions on home design or building standards?
What is a “Zero Energy Ready Home” and why are you requiring them?
What’s the purpose of design review, and how does it work?
What is Passive Design or Passive Orientation?
What kind of landscaping works in a desert environment and is easy to maintain?
Does Columbia Bluffs have adequate water?
How is Columbia Bluffs encouraging water conservation?
What are the future plans for water reuse, and how is Columbia Bluffs preparing?